Eight Mile Creek – Exploration Licence E80/5317 (100% owned)
The Eight Mile Creek exploration tenements are 100% owned by Boab Metals Limited. These tenements cover 206 square kilometres of relatively under-explored tenure immediately south of Sorby Hills. Thirty kilometres of along-strike geology is highly prospective for deposits similar to Sorby Hills.
The structure and stratigraphic targets developed are based on an interpretation of new gravity data, soil sampling and geological interpretation.
Drilling has confirmed the existence of a favourable stratigraphic setting and fluid traps that may host mineralisation similar to that observed at Sorby Hills.
The 2022 drill program targeted two locations to determine the prospectivity for structurally controlled mineralisation and ore brines flow in the southern portion of Burt Range Sub-basin.
Anomalous p-XRF readings for lead in EMRC_005 and increased calcite veining suggest the possibility of some structural controlled mineralisation.