We treat our people fairly and with respect. We promote diversity in the workplace and strive to provide an environment that is free from harassment, violence and intimidation. For more information see our Corporate Governance.
We are dedicated to protecting our people and providing a secure environment in which our business can thrive. We understand that performing at our best as individuals and as a team is the key to the success of the company and our future.

Boab Metals is committed to developing lasting relationships with stakeholders and the communities in which we operate. Through engagement with stakeholders we seek to understand the social, cultural, environmental and economic impacts of our activities in the local areas.
Boab supports local communities in a wide range of areas, including education, arts and culture.
The Boab Metals Limited Ord Valley Muster is an annual festival of music, art and culture that brings together the vibrant East Kimberley community. It attracts thousands of visitors to Kununurra to experience the stunning landscape, cultural diversity and famous Kimberley hospitality.
Boab Metals is the naming rights sponsor of the Ord Valley Muster for 2023.
Boab’s sponsorship of the iconic event underlines the Company’s commitment to the town of Kununurra and the broader Kimberley
For more information see: www.ordvalleymuster.com.au
Boab Metals is committed to sponsoring Teach, Learn, Grow (TLG) in improving student’s tuition in the East Kimberley of Western Australia.
Teach, Learn, Grow (TLG) is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting Australian children experiencing disadvantage in rural and
remote Australian communities. TLG is working towards a future where every child is empowered to reach their full educational potential.
For more information see: https://teachlearngrow.org.au

Boab Metals is committed to the management of our operations in a sustainable manner. We aim to reduce our footprint with a commitment to ongoing improvement in achieving the lowest impact to the environment.
We will continually improve our environmental performance through a systematic approach to setting environmental objectives and targets, implementation of management and monitoring procedures and objective evaluation of performance against our targets. Our environmental initiatives will be appropriately resourced and supported by training and awareness programmes.
View our Environment Policy here

The safety and wellbeing of our people is a core value of Boab Metals. We seek to ensure that our employees and contractors are properly trained in applicable health and safety laws and regulations and our health and safety policies.
We develop and maintain safe conditions by establishing risk and safety management controls. Boab monitors hazards, near miss incidents and safety interactions with site leadership.
View our Health & Safety Policy here